Bed Bath & Beyond 和 Buy Buy Baby 官方宣布倒闭关店了,现在打开它们的官网已经可以看到 “艰难的决定” 公告了。

- 所有门店从周三 4/26/2023 开始关店促销,包括 360 家 Bed Bath & Beyond 和 160 家 Buy Buy Baby;
- 4/25/2023 之后将不再接受任何 coupon;
- 4/26/2023 开始所有的商品都是 Final Sale,不能退换货;
- 5/8/2023 之后所有的 Gift Card 都将作废;
- 5/15/2023 之后所有的 Merchandise Credits 和 Welcome Rewards 都将作废;
- 5/24/2023 之后将不再接受任何退换货;
Store closing sales will start on Wednesday, April 26, 2023. We encourage you to come shop for your favorite products while merchandise selection is best.
We expect customers can redeem Welcome Rewards until May 15, 2023. We are no longer awarding Welcome Rewards on purchases. However, we encourage you to shop your favorite products at deep discounts during our store closing sales, starting April 26, 2023.
We expect customers can redeem merchandise credits until May 15, 2023.
We expect customers can use gift cards through May 8, 2023.