Nike 为了更好得理解客服对于 text message (SMS) marketing 的需求,举办了一场线上会议:“Virtual Focus Group”,所有参加完成的人都可以获得 $50 Nike Gift Card。
- 报名地址:点击这里(用自己的 Nike 账号登录即可)
会议时长 1 个小时,时间为 1/19 5pm PST。仅限 99999 名,报满为止。如果你看到的时候已经报满了,可以过段时间再来刷刷,可能会有人退出。

- Participants must be 18 years old or older.
- The focus group is best experienced on a desktop computer or laptop, but it is possible to join via phone or tablet, if necessary. Be sure your device is fully charged, you have strong wifi connectivity and your location is quiet without distractions.
- The session will last 60-minutes, but please join 15 minutes early if possible to answer a few important onboarding questions.
- We are limited to how many people we can accommodate, so it is possible that not everyone will be admitted into the actual focus group.
- You will be required to respond to each question to receive your incentive, so be sure to stay on for the entire conversation.
- The Nike e-gift card will be delivered via email within (3) business days of participation.
- If you are under the age of majority, please have your parent or legal guardian physically sign any release or waiver form found under the Terms and bring that signed form with you to the Experience.