Swagbucks 给 Save The Children 捐款倒赚 $22

今天打开 Swagbucks 看到顶部弹出了下面的提示条,是个捐款活动,给 Save The Children 组织捐款 $18 可以得 4000 SB(价值 $40),倒赚 $22。

当然,一些人可能对这类捐款类 offer 持怀疑态度,不确定自己捐的钱是否真的如他们所说帮助到了这些儿童。如果对此类 offer 持怀疑态度,建议不要做,薅羊毛有风险,请大家自行斟酌。羊毛君之前做过一次给大自然什么保护组织捐款,也是倒赚,返现倒没什么问题,就是后来每隔一段时间邮箱里都会收到请求捐款的信(其实每封信里都有一些卡片、地址贴等小礼品),后来给他们打电话才停止了邮寄。

Offer 详情

  1. 如果还没有 Swagbucks 账户,点击这里注册可得 300 SB 奖励(相当于 $3
  2. 登陆后,打开 Swagbucks,搜索 “save the children”,就可以看到 offer 出来了,见下图

  3. 点击 Offer,在新窗口中完成捐款。注意这里是月捐,第一个月捐款成功后记得及时取消后续捐款。
  4. 注意,羊毛君特别提醒,此类 offer 一定一定一定要使用虚拟信用卡号,见羊毛君的介绍:《信用卡虚拟卡号介绍及支持的银行列表》


下面是此 offer 的详细条款,供大家参考:

SB will appear as Pending for 32 days. Only valid donations will be credited. Must donate $18 to earn SB. Donations under $18 are not eligible for SB. Must use valid contact and payment information to earn SB. Only valid monthly donations will be credited. SB may be revoked for cancelled or invalid donations. Must be your first time participating in a Save the Children offer to earn SB. This offer is presented to you by Swagbucks on behalf of a third-party merchant or sponsor (“Merchant”). Swagbucks does not endorse (and therefore is not responsible to you for) the Merchant’s views, policies, products or services. Have questions? Please contact the Swagbucks Help Center here: https://help.swagbucks.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=47240. If you are not credited within 32 days of offer completion, you have 14 days to contact the Swagbucks Help Center for further investigation. Help Center tickets submitted after the 14 day grace period are not eligible for further investigation and SB.

什么是 Swagbucks

Swagbucks 是一个类似于返现网的网站,但它们的返现是以 Swagbucks(SB)Points 的形式返还。所有的 SB 可以等值兑换成现金或礼品卡,100SB = $1Swagbucks 有时候会出一些逆天的 deal,实现倒赚或者免费。比如一项活动你只需要消费 $10,但 Swagbucks 返还 4000 SB,可以实现倒赚 $30。羊毛君的一些兑换记录见文末。

羊毛君的 Swagbucks

截至本文发稿,羊毛君已经获得了 41,414 SB Points,下图是羊毛君的兑换记录(可以看到着实薅了不少羊毛了):

此后羊毛君会不定期更新 Swagbucks 的最新羊毛信息(倒赚或免费),欢迎大家关注!




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